Monday, December 22, 2008


So I am just really really peeved right now. Why in the hell do I still live in this god forsaken state. My day yesterday started great...wait I take that back, it was bad. I went to go to the party store to grab some butter, and I got stuck in their driveway. I had to kick the snow out from under my car and spend like 10 frustrating minutes driving forward and backwards over and over until I got enough traction to dart into traffic on M25. Then when I went to leave midnight, my car would not start. I tried to get a jump but had no luck, I am hoping it was just too cold and its not my battery or something worse. Our HR person stayed and waited with me till brad showed up, I felt really stupid. I mean come one -25 outside..what the hell!!! So today before I have to go to work I have to rely on my family to come get me, try and jump my car again, and then go to work..till midnight again..ugh! I forgot to mention that our stupid county will not plow our street, I don't even know if I can get my car home....I am just so sick of winter already and it just started.

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